Ubuntu Phone First Week



So my first week has gone since i rooted my Nexus 4 and installed the new Ubuntu phone.

It was realy easy to root and install the phone the hole process was done in 30 min including backup.
It has bean I hard week but now at the end life with the phone is better.

So the ONLY things that really work in the phone is.

  • Make and receives calls
  • Send and receives SMS
  • With i browser surf (Only from wifi )

That about it so my connections to the world when Im on the road is dead. No more facebook, Instagram and so on.
I use the browser to look things up if i had to.(This require a start my 4gwifi device)

But now I got to like the interface and thing that thiscan be good.

And it nice when you can connect your phone to the laptop and open an shell into the phone.(Used to sync my gmail contacts to the phone)

There are still some things that are not 100% god you can say some bugs. But its a develop phone now and im now downloading the develop toolkit :-).
So we will see how hard it s to build your own app to the Ubunut phone.


2013-10-18 10.16.36

2013-10-21 14.08.49

2013-10-21 14.09.04