Im using rabbitmq in some of my python apps. Here is a small guide to get pyton3 to send and recive data from rabbitmq
I uses the code from
And read some guide from from 2009 !!!!
Get the pip you need to connect
sudo pip3 install amqp
My python code for sending and reciving
#!/usr/bin/env python from amqplib import client_0_8 as amqp import time conn = amqp.Connection(host=" ", userid="guest", password="guest", virtual_host="/", insist=False) chan = #Setup que chan.queue_declare(queue="work", durable=True, exclusive=False, auto_delete=False) chan.exchange_declare(exchange="sorting_room", type="direct", durable=True, auto_delete=False,) chan.queue_bind(queue="work", exchange="sorting_room", routing_key="domain") #Send messages send = amqp.Message("Test message!")["delivery_mode"] = 2 chan.basic_publish(send,exchange="sorting_room",routing_key="domain") #Get data runns and lissen for the loop def recv_callback(msg): print('Received: ' + msg.body + ' from channel #' + str( chan.basic_consume(queue='work', no_ack=True, callback=recv_callback, consumer_tag="testtag") while True: chan.wait() chan.basic_cancel("testtag")