Install Pandora fms monitoring system on Centos

So for many years i use nagios to monitor my server and now im would say i can handle nagios config files good. But I fund pandora fms monitoring and this i must try.

From the pandora console its mutch easy to from the webbrowser setup new task and tweek task so you alarms realy are correct. Doing this in nagios then i had to change config files and restart nagios and nrpe.


So here is i small guide to install and set up i basic pandora fms monitoring,



Download the console, server client AND wsdi



Move them so they have the .rpm name ate the end


mv pandorafms_console-5.0SP3-1.noarch.rpm\?r\=http\ pandorafms_console-5.0SP3-1.noarch.rpm
mv pandorafms_server-5.0SP3-1.noarch.rpm\?r\=http\ pandorafms_server-5.0SP3-1.noarch.rpm
mv pandorafms_agent_unix-5.0SP3-1.noarch.rpm\?r\=http\ pandorafms_agent_unix-5.0SP3-1.noarch.rpm
mv wmic-4.0.0SVN-2.1.el5.centos.noarch.rpm\?r\=http\\(All%20versions\)%2FRPM%20CentOS\,%20RHEL%2F wmic-4.0.0SVN-2.1.el5.centos.noarch.rpm

So now we have the 4 packaged that we need lets install them IMPORTANT that you do this in the correct order.



sudo yum localinstall pandorafms_console-5.0SP3-1.noarch.rpm


sudo yum localinstall wmic-4.0.0SVN-2.1.el5.centos.noarch.rpm


sudo yum localinstall pandorafms_server-5.0SP3-1.noarch.rpm


sudo yum localinstall pandorafms_agent_unix-5.0SP3-1.noarch.rpm


Config Pandora console

Now we have the packages install its time to set up pandora console server and client.
Start i webbrowser and go to you pandora_console http://hostname/pandora_console

There setup you mysql details and let pandora install it self into you mysql.

Config Pandora Server

Next up is to setup the pandora server.
Open the file

vi /var/www/html/pandora_console/include/config.php

And COPY the mysql password from that file

Open the file

vi /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf

And PAST in the mysql password on the correct place.

Restart you pandora server

/etc/init.d/pandora_server restart
/etc/init.d/tentacle_serverd restart

Pandora Client

Open the file

vi /etc/pandora/pandora_agent.conf

Change the ip to your pandora server ip.

Restart the pandora client and pandora server deamon.

Then for every new host you would like to add only install the pandora client and chnage the ip. then all of you server will show up in the pandora_console.