So many of my dominas I have registered on And they have dyndns support so I can create a subdomain to my domian. And have it updated when my laptop ore home ip changes.
This make the task of connecting back to my home server easy.
First install the dyndns clinet on you host here I’m installing it on my Centos 6 server with EPEL REPO installed
yum install ddclient
Open the file
vi ddclient.conf
Find the sections starting with #loopia
Uncomment the values and ad you username that will be you domain, Add your password and the domain you want to update.
Same the file and
/etc/init.d/ddclient restart chkconfig ddclient on
tail you log to see
Jul 6 21:28:26 home ddclient[23784]: WARNING: updating nochg: No update required;
and now you can always find you way back home